Busy Brains…

June 11, 2020

June 11, 2020

Dear 20 Something’s,

I have found how important it is to relax and take a second to breathe and have fun. I am one of those who feel like they have to be doing something every second of every day. Part of me, I guess, want to feel productive and not regress from the progress I have made to get to this point in my life. I also really don’t like feeling like I am not doing anything. I don’t know what it is or why I do what I do, but I have seen the stress it adds to me. Sometimes I’ll be trying to write, and the creativity is just not there, and I am trying to force it out of myself, and I get frustrated, and it just brings on more intensity that is not necessary. I am still working towards slowing down and coming to the point where I realize that if I have fun or sit around the house for a day and do absolutely nothing I am not going to lose a degree, I’m not going to be a failure in life, everything will be fine. I know that it seems a bit extreme to talk about going a day without doing anything and ending up becoming a failure in life, but it’s just the way that I think, unfortunately. As I get older and figure out how this thing called life works, we/I get better at these types of things. So, right now, it is 12:48 pm, and it is beautiful outside here in Memphis. I am about to go out and enjoy all this beautiful ass sun and this fantastic breeze in some dukes and a T-shirt. I encourage all my 20 somethings who have a brain like mine, and even those who don’t to enjoy and take a moment to relax, have fun, and breathe. Aside from a busy mind with all of this going on, I feel that it is essential to take a moment and breathe. Take a second and then when you get back to what it is you want/need to do you will be effective in it.


The Metaphors of life…


Sunday Reflection