The Metaphors of life…

A few moments from  my “concert” this week..

A few moments from my “concert” this week..

Dear 20 somethings,

Happy Tuesday! Imagine this; there is a concert going on. The livest concert that you’ve ever been to see. The band is lit, the people next to you are friendly as hell, your pictures are coming out good, you look good, there are shots, everything is a vibe. Now, you’re watching the concert with your floor seats that you paid good money for, and you’re continually noticing something on the side of the stage. You’re trying to ignore this obnoxious yet tiny detail of light, stage person, whatever it is, and you pause every so often and give it attention because of how distracting its presence is. However, you continue to enjoy the best concert that you have ever been to, and by the end of the show, though this “detail” is distracting, you have thoroughly learned to ignore its presence.

That’s what’s happening to me in my life (my concert) right now. I am probably the happiest that I have been in a while and enjoying it thoroughly, but there is just this one thing in the back of my mind that will not go away. It is always there; it doesn’t leave; it’s just there standing on the side of the stage while I am enjoying this fantastic concert. I don’t ever want to be comfortable with co-existing with it because there are chances that it may become even more obnoxious, and I won’t be able to ignore it. Or, because of the way that my mind works, I’ll start to think wild things like, “maybe I need to revisit it, it isn’t here for no reason.”. I feel that I have made progress in trying to get things in order and move this detail from my stage to keep the metaphor going.” Right now, it’s a bunch of back and forth with removing it because you start to think even though it is distracting at times, will the concert be as enjoyable after? The optimistic perspective is that it will be as pleasant if not more. I am just going to stick to the positive perspective and not bother with typing the negative one. I am going to trust the process and continue to enjoy the concert. Do any of you have any “tiny details” distracting you from your concert? Let me know what’s up!


Important Issues…


Busy Brains…