Important Issues…

Dear 20 somethings,

I have recently started to get deep into politics and better acquainted with what I would like to identify with politically. I have honestly never been one to be extremely involved in politics at all. I have always leaned on my grandfather's political opinion because I was never really intrigued enough to research on my own. I am even now, only beginning to dive into it, but before I couldn't tell you much about anything. At this moment in time, with all that is going on, I feel like I am gaining more and more sides to my purpose. I have always felt like writing is a way for me to be expressive and get out a message that I felt was important. I in the past have wanted to stay as far away from politics as possible. I feel completely different at this point. I feel like as a 20 something coming up in the world and being next in line that it is my responsibility to become knowledgeable about important issues that will shape my/our (gen Z) future. I am fearful of what happens next. I am afraid of the upcoming election. I sat with one of my friends the other day, and we started to talk about the future administration considering who was running. I asked him, "who are you voting for?" he responded, "I'm not. Our votes don't matter". That state of mind is so dangerous, and our votes are the most important. Almost a year ago, there was a Revolt Summit that held an all-black panel full of activists that discussed essential issues. They talked about culture, racism, oppression, current administration, mental states, and theories. This panel incredibly inspired me, and it was a plus because they were all black. I think that it is worth checking out. I want to know what all of you think about everything. Let me know what's up!


Coming of Age Moments…


The Metaphors of life…