Anonymous Letter


    I thought about talking to you about this “as most of our more “serious” talks are usually in person”. That energy shift as your face fills with anxiety about what I'm about to say. I decided it would be more memorable and hopefully a bookmark in time, for us, to go about it this way. Though you usually do, i hope that you get what i'm trying to get across to you ……..You probably read that just as i would translate it in person .Ive noticed you are making me get uncomfortable, in a good way. To me, noticing that I feel this way and having optimism so much so to see the positive side of the situation in any way, is more than enough reason to want to go about addressing it and progressing through it. As of recently I began to feel moved in a sense of needing to check my actions in regards to you, life, my spirituality etc . I don't believe that I ever in life had ill intentions towards anyone, definitely never to you. However ,as humans we sometimes lose in the battle between our mind and our flesh. Admittingly, I've been losing that battle. I notice myself allowing my flesh to win as I initially dweled on the negative side of my reaction to being pushed. It is uncomfortable, hard, even frustrating at times. That was me listening to what my body was responding to it and not how my mind would want me to respond to it. I'm telling you, my response to it is to push me to be more uncomfortable. In challenge to myself and effort to the development of me as a man and your man in particular. I'm deciding to embrace this feeling and seek to take advantage of the push in drive it provides. Sitting in a cloud of smoke ,randomly I thought to myself “I think about this girl so much”. After that I thought about this talk and how i never want you to feel a sense of “ Me Vs You” or vice versa. There's a bigger picture to us being young and in love and the reality of that . We are destined to do and be great. I can only speak for myself but I know 100% in regards to achieving that I'm better off with you on my side. We are a team, partners, I believe that adopting that perspective and applying action to do so would help iron out any creases between us and our relationship. To me its only right to always do all i can do.  Again & lastly, i hope you're able to understand what i'm saying.

Til Death,


These 6 things.


“The Interview”