Feeling beautiful in your own skin…


Dear 20-somethings,

So, I have a confession to make…..The last couple of weeks I haven’t felt beautiful or sexy, and it’s okay because it happens to the best of us. It doesn’t mean that there is something wrong, we’re just human and as humans we deal with things from time to time, it’s inevitable. However, at some point in our lives, we’re going to experience something that makes us feel a way about ourselves or it’ll happen with no experience at all. It can be managed. At this point in my life, I am so cognizant about self-care where I allow my thoughts to take me, and how far they take me there. Feeling beautiful, feeling sexy, and having confidence comes from inside of us. We are beautiful and we are sexy and the only people that have to believe it is us. Starting a new week and coming out of this mindset after remembering that the only person who needs to believe is me has just given me such a bright light this Monday morning. I know I’m beautiful, sexy, confident, and that’s what it is. I encourage all of you to post a picture when you felt most beautiful, most sexy, and most confident and don’t give a flying fuck about what somebody has to say about it. So, with that being said, go enjoy your Monday, remember whose opinion matters, and if you woke up on the wrong side of the bed it’s not too late to turn your Monday around. K. Love you Bye!




What to do when you hate your job…