
Photo by: Poosh (Instagram name: @poosh )

Photo by: Poosh (Instagram name: @poosh )

Dear 20 somethings,

What’s popping? Y’all, what a ride these past few weeks have been for me. I mean honestly. I feel like I am always having a rough few weeks, lol, but I mean it’s the truth. It’s about growth right? Just a mini life update: I quit my job with a company that I’ve been with for five and a half years, I got dumped, I got two offers for internships at amazing magazines, I’ve landed a couple of interviews with some great entrepreneurs that I am going to write amazing stories about, I got a new job, I joined a gym, and I got a personal trainer. I feel as though I am really in tune with myself right now at this point. I think it’s too bad how normal being wrapped up in something or someone so much so that we disappear, or just me rather. During the time of turbulence right after I quit my job amongst other things I was just ready to go. It could’ve been anywhere, Nashville, Atoka, Tn., I didn’t care I just wanted to go for a little while. Which is normal, sometimes you just want to separate from some things physically, it’s not abnormal, but not ideal or how to deal.

I was scrolling on Instagram the other day and stumbled across a post by Poosh, a lifestyle blog by Kourtney Kardashian. And it’s so wild because it put into perspective so much for me and validated the head space that I’m in now rather than when everything was happening a few weeks back (it’s the post above). Not that location doesn’t matter , but being in the wrong location with the right mindset takes you further than the having the wrong mindset in the wrong location or even the right location with the wrong mindset. To “start over,'“ and to recognize that to do that it starts with how you think. That’s my take away, that’s my update. K. Love you. Bye.


I play too much, and that’s fine.


Feeling beautiful in your own skin…