I play too much, and that’s fine.

“Duck Lips” Photo taken by: Alexandria B.

“Duck Lips” Photo taken by: Alexandria B.

Dear 20 somethings,

What’s popping 20 somethings! It’s Monday, the beginning of the week. Like I always do these days, I woke up early this morning and laid in bed giving myself my pep talk and I thought about a conversation one of me and my good friends had a while back and he asked me what I thought my best feature was of myself, but not in a physical sense, in an abstract one. Then I remembered an earlier conversation that he and I had he we talked about me being “childish” (whatever that means to you), and how I was always goofy and being silly and “playing too much”. And to me, that translated as being in touch with the youth on inside of me. So, I said that if I had to pick my favorite feature about myself that was not physical, that would be it. It’s important to me that I am able to laugh and be goofy, and a joke too much sometimes. It’s good for my spirit, it’s medicine, honestly and truly. I think even in some ways it makes me unique. To not be so caught up in life, work, finances, relationships, and even yourself and to just laugh. Nobody’s gonna think any less of you if you’re watching a Disney Channel movie instead of a documentary. To be grown and an adult is specific to what you say it is and being comfortable in that shit. I love that about me and I embrace it wholeheartedly. So, I think a good way to start off the week is to acknowledge something you love about yourself that is not physical. k. love you. bye!


Tuesday Morning…

