Tuesday Morning…

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Dear 20 somethings,

Soooooo, it’s Tuesday morning and I just want to share what thoughts I experience when I woke up….

I am always in fear of being perceived as someone who is contradicting. I woke up and thought about when writing these blog posts that I am always feeling like I need to be extremely conscious of how I express myself because I just don’t ever want to feel as if I am contradicting myself. This limits my capacity to express myself in a sense of judging how vulnerable to be. By that I mean I don’t ever want to feel bad about going back on what I felt on the day or week before when I hit the publish button in the top left corner of my edit page and make you all feel as if I am indecisive in a sense. However, I am sure we all feel things differently from day to day, we perceive, express, and experience things, and most importantly we change our minds. It’s not that you’re contradicting yourself, you’re just simply waking up in a different mindset. You have that right to do that. And that’s okay. As 20 somethings and more importantly as human beings it is our birthright to be like, “you know what, I’m not really vibing with this as much as I was yesterday,” or the week before. It doesn’t make you hypocritical, it just makes you even more human. Embrace that part of yourself and feel no guilt in changing your mind. I encourage you to take a piece from this blog post with you and find comfort in changing your mind (indecisive if that’s what you want to call it) and have a bomb ass Tuesday. K. Love you. Bye.


Fingers Crossed


I play too much, and that’s fine.