Fingers Crossed

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Dear 20 somethings,

What’s popping y’all? It’s Monday morning, the end of our weekend, and the beginning of our week. I have a proposition for everyone who reads this blog this week, but first a little back story. I am forever learning about myself and taking those things in and deciding what works for me and what doesn't. It has always been hard for me to stick to a routine or even find routines that work for me because I am such a spur-of-the-moment person and I’m in every direction at all times. I usually find it boring to stick to doing the same thing every day, but I think I first need to find a rhythm (regarding my work), become comfortable with that rhythm, and make it a habit. I always find it amazing that it’s so easy to adapt quickly to bad habits, but so difficult to adapt to quickly good ones. That’s just for me personally. I really really really want to be so intentional about my craft, about writing, about being a consistent writer, and an honest writer. Not that I haven’t been honest, but I am very inconsistent. I have tried, but not hard enough I suppose. So, my goal this week is to write on the blog every single day and even finish some of the projects that I have started. I feel like we should do this together, so my proposition for you all is to be consistent in doing something productive every single day as it relates to your work habit and consistency. We can do this together. We have money to make, people to inspire, the world to change, and good habits to form. Let me know what you’re gonna do, how it’s going, how you struggle with it, or not struggle with it. We got this. Fingers Crossed. Have an amazing Monday! K. Love you guys. Bye!

Alexandria B


Just wait it out…


Tuesday Morning…