Just wait it out…

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Dear 20 somethings,

What’s popping 20 somethings! Happy Tuesday!

This morning’s tea is about yesterday. I got some really good news in my email. It was my official offer for an internship at a publication that I had been waiting for and I am so excited about it, extremely excited. It seems like everything that I have been wanting, the moves, the opportunities are starting to come and it’s abundant and I feel so blessed. However, I haven’t always felt like that. In the past, if I’m being honest I questioned whether or not I was making the right choice toward this career (I think I might’ve even expressed that in another one of my blog posts). For a second I was really confused, I didn’t really know which direction I needed to go. I was already in the master’s program and I was in deep so, it was like “Lord, I dunno why I feel like this, but tell me what you need me to do.” In my head, I felt like I didn’t get an answer. I really felt stuck, but writing for me half the time was how I could express myself most healthily. So, with my money being invested in the program, already having started it, and just not really having another option I stuck with it and said to myself “if this is not what I am supposed to be doing, what I am supposed to be doing will pop up,” and I genuinely believed that. Meanwhile, I’m still writing on and off. I remember specifically a conversation that I had with my then-boyfriend and we were talking about me popping up at their office (the publication I got the internship at) and calling everyone on the staff list and I did it. I popped up at their office and it was closed. I called everyone on the staff list sitting outside in my car in front of my job. And they said they would get back to me and let the editor know I’ve been trying to reach him and I finally heard from him. But when I did hear from him he didn’t have anything available for me and I remember thinking “welp, that’s it.” Even though he said he would keep me in mind, it was still like, “welp, that’s it".” From then on, I was still writing here and there on my blog posts and I had pretty much let my last semester just drift. I just felt like I was burnt out and honestly I just kind of had slightly given up. Then I got a whiff of an opportunity.

I had gone to see my therapist and ran into one of my classmates who had just graduated. She asked me what my plans were for the summer and I remember telling her “trying to get an internship, but no luck yet.” She responded with something like “if you’re interested go to my website and email me your resume and some samples,” and I’m sitting like here I am in therapy because of all of these feelings I had about my choices in career amongst other things and I get an opportunity so unexpectedly. I ended up with that internship and learning so much so fast. And yesterday to get that official offer from that publication to me, was a confirmation. And I know to some people, it’s like “girl, it’s just an internship, you weren’t offered a job,” but it’s like this is a start, this is the beginning of my career I feel like lol (however corny that may sound). Being patient and persevering are key factors towards success. They really are. If you, like me have any doubts as to what you’re supposed to be doing and feel like you’re lost just try and wait it out. I don’t have a suggestion of how long, but just try waiting. The come up is inevitable.

So, with that being said, you all have an amazing Tuesday! K! Love you! Bye!

Alexandria B


A word.


Fingers Crossed