Graduation Vibes.

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So, it was a foreal foreal holiday (Graduation Day)! Everything that I had done the last 4 years led up to this moment where I sat in a chair in my living room and listened to my name being called as a graduate of the University Of Memphis. I couldn’t believe that I was actually graduating. The amount of excitement and emotion was overwhelming. May 9th was literally one of the best days of my life. I was surrounded with family, friends, fun, food, and a lot of liquor (which always a good time).

Before going to college, I had so many questions about what to expect and how to balance everything. It is really something that you learn. Some people can pretty much grasp the concept from other people’s stories, but I had to bump my head a few times. For me college was such an eye opener. You learn so much more than what you’re getting a degree in. I learned so much about myself, discipline, time management, relationships, friendships, money management, study habits, some of what I like, and what I don’t. It is not a cake walk, well at least it wasn’t for me. You go through a lot of changes and you are having to at the same time do all of your work efficiently when you really feel like shit mentally and physically. Some people can do it easily, but I had to learn how to push through despite all of the things that were happening outside of school. I had to adjust and make a decision about what was more important. Do I want to flunk out of school because of some temporary shit happening right now? Is this really worth all of the turmoil that it will probably cause me later if I quit? No, the answer for me was no. I don’t want to sound like some corny cliche ass motivational speaker, but it really does all come down to what is most important to you. And if you’re in school and the answer is not school, maybe you should reevaluate. That’s most definitely okay. College is not cheap, so in addition to figuring out what’s important you’re not hurting your pockets. I definitely felt a couple of times that maybe I was in over my head. I had to figure it out, because it was definitely something I wanted very badly. One of the many things that I have learned while in school is that if you want it bad enough you will find a way because here is always a way.

College was the best, the worst, and the most stressful 4 years of my entire life, but I finished, I persevered, and I worked damn hard. It was so worth it to hear my name being called (Damn, I still hear it!). You close a chapter in your life and you begin another one. You grow up a little bit. You still won’t have it all figured out, but you would have been given a few tools as to how to navigate how to figure some stuff out. People say “No matter how much you think you hate school, you’ll miss it when you’re gone”. I definitely will miss it, but I am ready to move on to what’s next. S/o to the class of 2020! Congratulations! We did it!


My Next Step.


We can’t breath.