My Next Step.

May 11, 2020 Photo Credits: @nikondejaun (Instagram)

May 11, 2020 Photo Credits: @nikondejaun (Instagram)

Graduation was less than 2 weeks ago, and I am ready to go back already. I have this constant thought that if I am not doing something then I am going to lose all my brain cells and become a failure in life, but in some weird way I see it as one of my best attributes. The “quality” of overworking myself just a little bit keeps me on edge. It keeps me working hard and pushing myself. When I go back, hopefully in the fall (assuming that I will be accepted into the program) I will be getting my Master’s in journalism. I have always had a passion for writing, being able to express myself through the written word has been my hallmark for as long as I can remember.

Again, assuming that I get into the program and graduate I want to write articles for magazines or newspapers. Maybe I could become an author, write a book about any or everything. I want to travel the world, cover stories, write pieces about the stories that I have covered, win awards for them, meet new people, and then write pieces for them. I want to do a TED talk (specifically about the power of the written word). I would title it “The Most Powerful Medium”. My opinion of course. The last stop for me would be to go back to my alma mater (preferably) and become a college professor in the Department of Journalism or teach a persuasive writing class, or anything writing-based would be fine. I want my legacy to be the words that I let flow through me and onto printed paper, pencil on notebook paper, and touch the people who read them. My next step is going to be good, but the one after that is going to be wild. Just watch me. Okurrrr?


Quarantine Vibes.


Graduation Vibes.