Story of the weekend…

The stuff that I am writing about on this blog, I cannot make up. A lot of these situations are showing me a lot about myself. You know when people ask you, "what would you do?". It's hard to answer those questions most of the time because you never honestly see until you get in the situation. 

Okay, so here's what happened. I met a guy at a party. He was hilarious, handsome (to me), had a good conversation, was educated, had a car, and had a job. It seemed as if he was upfront about all his shit. I was not at the time nor had I been in a relationship in about six months. He asked me if I had a boyfriend. I was talking to someone, but it was very casual and inconsistent and kind of a new vibe from an old thing, so I answered, "it's complicated." When my answer should have been "no, I don't have a boyfriend.". Either way, we proceeded. I asked him, and of course, his response was like mine, and he said, "complicated." I assumed that like me, he thought that it was a lot to explain and understand so "complicated" fit the bill, and I took his word. 

  We exchanged numbers and ended our conversation and ended the night on sound vibration. Before I left the house from the party that had died long before he and I were done talking, but didn't notice because we were very much so enjoying our multi-topic tipsy ass conversation, I came to find out that his "complicated" was far more complicated than mine. Also, way more complicated than he lead on. How so? I'm glad you asked. He was in a full-blown relationship, maybe even a little bit more than a regular relationship, engaged perhaps.

The weeks pass by, and he hits me up a few times. I am not interested in talking to him because I'm not interested in somebody else's man. I go to another party hosted by the same person, and we find each other in the same place AGAIN! This time not as chill as the last. I didn't know whether or not he was going to talk about me, not responding. I walked in just as normal and spoke, and no singling out was done. He even cracked a couple of jokes with me. He finally asked me about why I didn't respond, and uhhh, I didn't tell him that I knew he was a lying pig. I just answered, "my complicated situation got a little bit more complicated." He, of course, asked me why I didn't tell him? He went on to say, "It would've been simple to just express that to me." I'm thinking, "oh, like you did when you told me you had a full girl?". "Damn, my bad.". He doesn't know that I know all of these things about his "complicated situation." I was asking questions as if I knew something, but he wouldn't bite. Purposely I am sure. We text that evening as he was leaving, and even then, I was pressing the issue. I played my part. I didn't have a plan I was just doing as I went. Also, I don't know why it mattered so much for him to tell the truth, but it was my mission. The whole night we were pretty much amicable, and I just went with it. I could see how he could mistake me being nice as a change in my decision, but there was not. So, I imagine he was disappointed when I refused to say goodbye in the way he thought I should have.

Plot twist. I go to work the next morning, mostly healed from the hangover from the night before. 

Host: Kourtney, you have two at 102

Me: Okay, cool, I'll be there in just a second. 

**Walks over to the table and places the complimentary bread on the table with napkins, plates, straws, etc.**

Me: Hello, hello. My name is Kourtney, and I will be your server for today. 

I instantly recognize his features, but he has on a mask, so I can't be entirely sure. I dance around my other tables, trying to buy him some time to take his cover off. He never did, but I got a call from my best friend, solidifying what I was thinking. This muthafucka is in my restaurant, at my table in matching masks, outfits, and everything with his "complication," wife, fiance, date, girlfriend, or whatever she was. I was in complete shock. It was actually comical as much as it was nerve-wracking. He was so uncomfortable, but I just didn't know what to do. I was thinking about how I could play the situation out. I thought, "Maybe, I could go over and let his "complication" know that he was out here making things more, you know…..complicated. Or I could just pass the table on to someone else and just leave him on edge the entire time. I chose the second option. He left and never acknowledged me and I never said anything.

The next morning I got to work at 7 am. The guy texts me (surprisingly). He doesn't ever fail to surprise me. I knew for sure that after yesterday I would never hear from this guy again because I mean……what?! He tells me how he couldn't sleep, how he wanted just to hug me, hold my hand, and that his eyes were stuck to me the whole time. WHAT IN THE ACTUAL HELL? Let's just analyze this a little more so I can make sure that you all are getting what I am saying. He is sitting at the table with his girlfriend, wife, date, fiance, or whoever she is in matching outfits. You leave with her and the woman who you TRIED to make a side-chick you text and express how much you like them and how you wish you could've been more intimate(hold my hand or hug me). WHAT?!

I don't get it. I mean, I am puzzled. I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, a chance to be honest, but it doesn't matter. The truth could be sitting with you at a restaurant in matching clothes and accessories, and they will still lie or make it seem as if they told you. They try and leave it vague so that it umbrella's all the real shit. I think this guy is a pig. I think everybody who cheats on their partner is a pig. When I say partner, I mean someone you have a mutual agreement with that says your romantic relationship is monogamous. Forget all of the "you're not tied down until you have a ring on" bull. Let's be real. Fuck this guy. Twenty-somethings, what did all of you take from this storytime? Do you agree or disagree? 


“Come up with a better way”


Quarantine Vibes.