Duly Noted…

This is me at 11am after typing this blog post. Since this is a post about being yourself I figure I snap a pic before I get dressed, put on make up, and style my braids.

This is me at 11am after typing this blog post. Since this is a post about being yourself I figure I snap a pic before I get dressed, put on make up, and style my braids.

Dear 20 somethings,

It’s wild how far we as people will go to project an image of ourselves to try and prove that we are these specific type of people and the people that we are trying so desperately to prove ourselves to are either the same or even more fucked up than we believed them to be. The crazy part is we could very well be the type of individuals we are trying so hard to prove ourselves to be that we put these unrealistic responsibilities on ourselves instead of being comfortable with just being and making mistakes because once these mistakes are made we feel that we are obligated to do things that are just simply not necessary. Plus, the people that we have tried so hard to prove ourselves to don’t even require all of it, they don’t care, and they might not even believe it. Thus, the stress that I’ve put on myself was unnecessary, I could’ve just been myself, and the picture of me would have just painted itself.

I think that this is one of the biggest lessons that I have learned about myself. I do believe myself to be genuine, passionate, and kind. However, trying so hard to prove that I forget that these are actual qualities that I possess. Nobody is perfect, and nobody has all of their shit together. The best thing we can do for ourselves is to be our be who we are. Duly noted. I wonder if any of this makes sense to you all. Have any of you ever experienced something to this? Talk to me!


F the Feels..


I feel like…