Anxiety Cobb Salad.

Dear 20-somethings,

There are 100s and 100s of myths about things you go through when you’ve reached the golden decade of your 20s. Many cliches act as explanations to explain the unexplainable. I have dealt with anxiety for as long as I can remember, but I initially didn’t know what to call it. For those of you who don’t know what anxiety is, it is a feeling of worry that never ends and it spills over into almost every aspect of your life. It drains everything out of you and creates a debilitating frustration because it’s like you know what to do but the results don’t reflect that knowledge. I have met so many people in college, work, etc. who talk about their anxiety and don’t know the origin. I don’t know where mine came from, but I know that our world of technology and new waves of culture continues to grow and so do new things to worry about. I’ve researched my past and read many articles to uncover an explanation and here are 3 that have been floating around the internet and my brain. Some of these I identify with and some you may connect with; either way here we go.

  1. Technology

    Technology has added an extra layer to how we feel about ourselves, but it’s measured through a filter on IG. Not that filters are bad, but as a metaphor the stress in an attempt to be recognized on a platform that validates personality, career, family, and money is a lot. Anxiety makes its debut when you think about not getting that recognition that solidifies who we are. Moreover, if we were looking at it from another angle — social media is a news source and the world is in an upside state right now. This negativity pushes negative thoughts to the forefront and spills into many different parts of life that trigger worry.

2. Having it All Together

I have talked about this for a very long time. “Having it all together” is another 20-somethings cliche that needs to be buried alive. I put relentless stress on myself to achieve this in my head based on unrealistic standards — and not mine. Honestly, and truly I don’t give a shit to have it all together. However, the thought that I do need to, triggers my anxiety. “It’s like “oh, I’m supposed to have this done, and this, and this,” and I forget to breathe. Then I’m sitting in bed crying because I didn’t finish or complete it. Though I have a hard time remembering this I often say, “We are only human, and cultural and societal standards are immortal, we are not the same.”

3. Past Trauma

When you think about trauma you don’t have to think about the most egregious thing from your past. It could be a bad breakup, a job, a friendship, etc. These experiences create memories either connected to a good reaction or a bad one. I know me, I have some PTSD around some things people do that in my brain tells me the results are going to be the same — negative. When I sense that vibe I am immediately worried or consumed with trying to prevent it. When you add this with the existing shit that you’re already having to deal with in your 20s, it’s the perfect recipe for an anxiety cobb salad.

As 20 somethings there is an endless list of possible things we worry about daily. We worry about rent, money, jobs, love, and relationships, and there is a field of anxiety that makes the situation a lot more stressful. These 3 reasons are some of the big ones I’ve found that impact me the most. There are several more, but this is only one blog post. Anxiety is a common thing, you and I are not the only ones that deal with it and it’s manageable. I haven’t figured it out yet, but in the words of Maya Angelou (R.I.P.) “Im en route.” Leave a comment and let me know what you think. What causes your anxiety? K. Love you! Bye!




My Little Corner


25 things I learned when I was 24.