Day 25

Day 25..png

Dear 20 somethings,

What’s popping? It’s day 25 into the new year. Also, for me and some of your day 4 into your semester; college or grad school, or any other type of higher education you’re enrolled in. Anybody else still feeling a little bit of burn out? I wrote about this at some point in one of my other blog posts. I thought that I could take that small break from school over the holidays, come back, and start strong, but I am still feeling completely drained. I am not 100%. I don’t know what to do about it or how to dial back some of the intensity of this burnout. I feel like I am trying to push creativity out of myself instead of allowing it to flow like I am used to doing. It all feels inorganic and just forced. I was writing this piece that started out as one thing and I got stuck and haven’t been able to start up again. That was literally a week and a half ago. It’s been more than one piece that I have experienced that with. Then school. I have been reading the chapters and creating flashcards and all of that, but no motivation behind wanting to actually study. Forcing myself to look at the material, but not really retaining it well. It’s like what is actually happening? I’m not really at a stopping point with school and I would like to continue to posts on my blog, I dunno. I have started to meditate in the mornings and I just started maybe 3 days ago, so I haven’t really noticed a difference yet, but we shall see. Anybody else feeling some burnout? How are you dealing with it?


Revisiting “The Anxiety of it all”


RTW 01 By A R E A