“We changed the channel”

Dear 20 somethings,

I have channeled into my innermost emotions and now it’s time to move on. The process of becoming aware of what distracts me, what empowers me, feeling what I need to feel, and then channeling my focus and tunneling my vision on what’s important at this point has been a process, a hard one. One that I am sure is going to continue as I embark on this journey toward what it is Kourtney is passionate about, what’s going to make me happy, what’s going to make my family proud, and most importantly what’s going to be my legacy. Some things my heart didn’t want to let go of, but my brain was like “girl, we’ve done this, pick a different route this time.” I have tapped into an entirely different energy. I didn’t know that I was capable of that. It’s always been heart over mind, but the heart and the emotion keep you in places you need to release yourself from. The mind, the mind won this one and I’m so glad. I have so many things that I am going to accomplish and this is the beginning. I’m like a phoenix rising from the ashes. I encourage us all to look within ourselves and examine the things in our lives that weigh us down and things that can be disposed of that don’t serve us well. In some cases it’s ourselves, in some cases it’s our hearts and in other cases, it’s our mindset. You have to feel everything, I wanted to feel everything and when you get to the breaking point you tend to make different decisions. I have always said, “some people learn from their own experiences and some people have learned from the experiences of others.” Both lessons are valuable, but one is a little bit more expensive. One you pay for with time and resources and the other you have the privilege of making a choice. I hope that makes sense. Hustle safely. Be intentional. Love with intention and don’t lose sight of who you are. But however you choose to go about it remember there is no “right” or “wrong” way, there is only the path that you choose to take and however, you choose to do that is on and meant for you. K. Love you. Bye.

Alexandria B


25 things I learned when I was 24.


“All smiles, not at first, but after.”